How Not To Be A Jerk When You’re A Kitten

Hai! This blog is about me and adorannoying I am!

Hai! This blog is about me and adorannoying I am!

I think most people can agree that if something is a baby of its species, then it’s probably adorable. There are some obvious exceptions that this college humour article points out (some of these guys are not so much animals as nightmares clothed in flesh) but a creature that lots of us can agree is undeniably cute as a button is the little kitten. Their big eyes, the way they don’t have full control of their limbs, the pathetically sweet little mew. Gosh, you just want to squish them with love. Let me tell you though, my house just rescued one and he can be a right little jerk at times. Seeing as I have a history of talking to animals, I’m writing this now to shame him for when he gets older and I teach him to speak and read English. I’m playing the slow game. So Sox (and all kittens), please stop doing the following:

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