A Letter To The Fierce Gentleman Blog

Fierce like a Snowman! ...I mean, tiger.

Fierce like a Snowman! …I mean, tiger.

Dear Fierce Gentleman blog,

I had the pleasure of being shown your website by a rather excellent gentleman just the other day. I especially enjoyed the list of 10 qualities that make you a Fierce Gentleman. After reading it, feeling inspired and knowing that it inspired my gentleman friend also, I realised that although many of the aspects can be related to both men and women, it would be nice to have a feminine specific version to look at and maybe aspire to. I searched through your blog at the different posts aimed at women but they were all about how to be a lady for a Fierce Gentleman as opposed to being a Fierce Lady in our own right. I thought I’d address this imbalance by trying to spell out a few factors that might lead to a woman being considered a Fierce Lady.

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